Effective and cost-wise safety management lies in scoping the risks associated with operating within the context of a successful business. Identifying present and future risks is crucial in the development of any management plan or design project, and should work in conjunction with the business goals.
Our aim is to continually show our clients that aligning safety and operational goals produces not only a safe and sustainable business but a more cost effective and productive one. We engage in any stage of design, fabrication, installation, operation or decommissioning projects to help our clients effectively avoid or mitigate against the inherent risks of their facilities.

We are experienced facilitators and third-party participants in any of the following workshops, whilst also being able to provide tailored safety management advice and technical safety analysis depending on the stage, lifecycle and demands of each particular situation.
All accidents in the workplace can be avoided by having Safety Management System (SMS) or HSE Management System (HSEMS) in place, guiding demand for Hazard Analysis, Identification, Assessment and Audit. Related services we offer will ensure this is the case for your organisation. These services include but not limited to:
Hazard Identification (HAZID), Bow-tie & Consequence Analysis
Inherently Safer Design (ISD) Reviews
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Studies
Control Hazard and Operability (CHAZOP) Studies
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment
Failure Mode, Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
Alarm Management and Rationalisation Studies
Safety Management Systems (SMS)
SMS Audits/Incident Investigation
SMS and HSEMS Manuals and related Procedures Development