The success of a business depends on how well that business implements active and engaged management of any success-limiting risks and liabilities. It is by acknowledging and addressing risks proactively that a business achieves success and profitability.
Our Risk Assessment and Management services allow you to anticipate possible risks and proactively develop internal protocols to eliminate or control them effectively. We are also a registered Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) consultant with the National Environmental Agency (NEA) in Singapore. Further information on Singapore Specific QRA Requirements can be found here.

We align with our clients to provide bespoke risk management programs that work with their business. We offer the following standard suite of risk management tools for application in accordance with a project's needs:
Concept and Design Safety Evaluations
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) including Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA)
As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) Studies
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Studies
Risk-Based Decision Making
Cost/Risk-Benefit Studies
Safety Critical Element (SCE) / Performance Standards selection, management and assurance/verification plans
Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) / Safety Critical Task Assessment (SCTA)
Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) including Predictive Human Error Analysis (PHEA)