As of April 2016, the National Environmental Agency (NEA) of Singapore has enforced the adoption of a revised set of QRA guidelines. As part of Singapore's regulatory requirements, a QRA is required for all installations storing or using hazardous (e.g., flammable or toxic) chemicals. The QRA identifies all hazards present in the facility and generates a risk profile based on the active processes and chemicals stored. This is then subsequently assessed against the criteria imposed by the NEA guidelines. An approved QRA is mandatory for the application of a Development Control (DC) Clearance by NEA.
Vanguard Risk and Safety Asia is an approved QRA consultant under the NEA's List of Registered QRA Consultancy Firms. More information about the QRA criteria and guidelines can be found in NEA's official webpage here.

Major Hazard Installations (MHI) in Singapore came under the Safety Case regime as of September 2017. The Safety Case regime is administered by the Major Hazard Department (MHD) that is made up of various government departments, namely; Ministry of Manpower (MoM), National Environmental Agency (NEA) and Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF).
As part of the new Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) regime, all classified MHI's are required to submit a Safety Case which is represented as a structured set of documentation that focuses on how major accidents are prevented at MHIs, and how the consequences to people and the vicinity are limited to criteria imposed as per Safety Case Guidelines established by MHD. More information of the MHI regime and requirements are available at MOM's website here.
Vanguard Risk and Safety Asia is a registered Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) consultant with NEA and we have performed a number of Safety Cases under new Singaporean regime governed by MoM’s MHD. Prior to the implementation of the Safety Case Regime in Singapore, we have been actively involved in Safety Case developments for various other regions where such requirements have been mandatory .
Following the successful submission of the Safety Case, MHD will also request the MHI to carry out an Implementation Plan (IP) which would cover the rectification of identified shortcomings derived from the Safety Case.
Some of Safety Case IP items may involve additional work employing process safety and risk management aspects , e.g. conducting a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study for shortcomings, additional consequence modelling for impact of hazardous chemicals, individual risk calculations as part of the QRA or Occupied Building Risk Assessment (OBRA) and others, all of which are within our area of specialized expertise.
In addition to this, MHD has recently implemented additional guidelines in relation to the MHI Safety Case regime, most notably the updated guidelines for As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) by Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) based assessments and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) assurances by establishing Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for critical instrumentation. Vanguard Risk and Safety Asia is strategically positioned to bring our extensive expertise garnered from over 35 years of Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) experience to assist clients in meeting all current and future regulations imposed by MHD and ensure all risks are managed to an acceptable level e.g., ALARP. Further details on all other services are available under our Services page.